Madurai Mutton chukka recipe | How to make Madurai mutton chukka varuval

Madurai Mutton chukka is one of the authentic and popular dish in Madurai , a state in Tamilnadu . This dish is made in tender goat meat. The word chukka means dry curry  and it is prepared by freshly roasted spices such as coriander seeds, cumin,  pepper seeds. The small shallots will give extra taste to this dish. Tomatoes are not added to this dish so this dish will be spicy.

mutton chukka recipe
Madurai mutton chukka

Spices should be roast in low flame so that it will not burnt . Spices gives should be coarsely grind either in mixie or motor so that it give unique taste to Madurai mutton chukka.  while eating mutton you will feel the taste of each spices.

Madurai mutton chukka its spicy dish can be served along with steamed rice, biriyani, dosa and chappati enjoy it by making at home.

Ingredients for madurai mutton chukka:

Mutton pieces - 250 grams
Garlic pods - 8 nos
Curry leaves - few
Turmeric powder - 1 tsp
Small shallots - 10 nos
Green chilli - 2
Coriander leaves - few
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Cinnamon stick , cloves, Cardamon - 2 pieces
Salt and oil

Dry roast:

Coriander seeds -  1 tsp
Red chilli - 4
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Fennel seeds - 1 tsp
Pepper seeds - 2 tsp

Instructions for making Madurai mutton chukka

  • Cook the mutton pieces in pressure cooker by adding salt and turmeric powder and allow it to cook for about 4 whistles.
  • Heat  oil in pan, then add cinnamon stick , cloves and cardamon, feenel seeds.
  • Add sliced onions , crushed garlic pods ,green chillies fry them until golden brown in color. Then add curry leaves , turmeric powder and cooked mutton pieces along with water.
  • Add roasted powdered spices and mix well . Then add ginger garlic paste and fry them until water evaporates. spices will evenly coats with mutton pieces and it looks brown in texture .
  • Finally add finely chopped coriander leaves and curry leaves and switch off flame.

spicy mutton chukka
Madurai mutton chukka
